East side of FUJI-ICHI Bldg.,8-6,Chuogai,
Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-sh, Kumamoto
Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-sh, Kumamoto
Payment Method

- 80MIN
- 49,500YEN
- 100MIN
- 62,000YEN
- 80MIN
- 55,000YEN
- 100MIN
- 66,000YEN
- 100MIN
- 71,500YEN
- 120MIN
- 82,500YEN
Nomination fee +2,200 yen
There is a special nomination fee
depending on the girl.
Please strictly adhere to these prohibitions
so that the girls can provide better service with peace of mind.
- Persons under the age of 18 or high school students
- Excessive service requests that are not included in our service menu or acts that the girls do not like (or that cause pain)
Eavesdropping and voyeurism.
- If we find any such behavior, we will report it to the police as a criminal act.
- Please note that the same applies to photographing with a camera phone.
- Scouting or other attempts to recruit girls.
- Dating outside of the store
- Use by persons related to organized crime groups or those with similar affiliations
- Use of the premises by a person who is intoxicated.
- Persons infected with sexually transmitted diseases or other contagious diseases
Other people who are deemed “unsuitable” by our staff.
- If there is abusive language or violence toward our staff or girls.
- Other behavior that women do not like.
- ※If any of the above applies to you, we ask that you refrain from using our restaurant.
- ※If any of the above is found to be the case even during the service, the service will be immediately suspended.
- ※Please note that we will not refund any fees in such cases. Furthermore, you will be asked to refrain from using our store at all after that, and your membership registration will also be cancelled.
※We require a complete payment in advance. We do not accept any cancellations, changes, shortening of time, or refunds after the course has been decided.
If we deem it necessary, we will ask you to accompany us to the local police station upon presentation of your ID.
We ask for your understanding in advance. - ※Please note that if you arrive later than your reservation, your playing time will be reduced.